Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Visits with Great Grandmas

Coraline is lucky to have two great grandmas who live close by, so today Cora and the hubby took a little trip to visit with her one great grandma. Great Grandma Jeanne was delighted that Coraline stayed awake during the whole visit! Don't we look cute in our polka dots? The cardigan was a present from one of my colleagues :-)

 Cora marks Great Grandma Jeanne's 11th great grandchild!!

And yesterday we had a visit from our other grandma, Great Grandma Ruth. She loves babies--and no surprise, she had 8 of them! And look at Cora's sparkly red slippers, a gift from my mom (Cora's grandma). As you can see, Cora's been getting a lot of grandma love lately! :-)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Preeclampsia Postpartum

A lot of people have been asking how I've been doing, so I thought I'd give an update on my health issues. As I noted before, I did little research on postpartum problems; I researched pregnancy and skipped right ahead to child development. When I started having cramps and severe headaches last week, I did a cursory web search to find that these problems aren't unusual in the postpartum (after birth) stage, so initially I wasn't worried.

However, when the problems continued to persist, I made an appointment with my doctor to make sure everything was okay. They were concerned I may have had an appendicitis, so I was sent for an ultrasound for my abdomen. When the ultrasound turned out normal, they sent me for more blood work which turned up nothing. They had no idea why I was having these problems, and suggested I see my general practitioner or go to the ER.

I was reluctant to go to the ER, but when the jack hammer in my head wouldn't stop, the hubby and I decided a trip to the hospital was necessary. So we woke up early Saturday morning, and the hubby, Cora, and I went to the same hospital where she had been born two weeks before.

I was admitted to the ER with unusually high blood pressure. Always having good blood pressure, I did not realize at the time that my blood pressure was dangerously high, reading 220/110. They immediately sent me for a CT scan. Because of the dye used, I wasn't allowed to nurse Cora any longer, so the hubby went home to feed her stored milk. In his absence, the ER doctor returned to tell me that the scan showed I may have had a blood clot in my head. I was told I needed to be sent to the city hospital, Buffalo General, for further analysis. I called my husband and parents in tears.

The ambulance showed up before my husband could come back. The hubby scrambled to find someone to watch Coraline since she was not allowed in Buffalo General's ER. I was whisked through the ER admissions because of the severity of my condition. I was attached to a monitor and blood pressure cuff, and given pain and blood pressure medicine. Another CT was administered, this time showing no possibility of the blood clot. Relieved, but perplexed, the first ER doctor went off duty. The next one came on equally confused. They continued to monitor my pressure, which now read in the 180-190s, still unsure of why it could not be controlled.

After hours of waiting, with still no answers, the second ER was going to relent to letting me go. But a third ER doctor came on shift and suspected I was suffering from preeclampsia. At this point, my husband was waiting in the parking lot to take me home and I had already changed into my pants and sneakers, desperately wanting to go. I was willing to sign a release form to leave, despite the doctor's orders, but the 3rd ER doctor called my OB/GYN. After discussing my condition on the phone for twenty minutes, pacing in front of my ER door, he handed me his cell phone and she convinced me to stay a little longer to try a treatment of magnesium, which is commonly given to treat preeclampsia.

I called the hubby and told him to go home. In the meantime, the magnesium had reduced my blood pressure by thirty points, so Buffalo General had decided to send me back to the original hospital. The nurse said to me, "You know you're going to be picked up soon by ambulance and be transferred to the ICU," and I started to cry, wanting to know why. "This condition is very serious; it can be dangerous to your health." And so in less than a half hour, a new ambulance came to pick me up.

I learned from a search on my iPhone that preeclampsia was most common during pregnancy, but could occur after birth in a small minority of women, less than 5%. Usually when diagnosed in pregnancy, giving birth "cures" the condition; but they had no easy fix for people who suffered from the condition postpartum. It is most dangerous in the postpartum stage because it often goes undiagnosed since symptoms are often confused with usual postpartum problems. Left unchecked, preeclampsia can cause seizure, stroke, coma, or organ failure. This was why I was being sent to the intensive care unit. I arrived shortly after midnight, and I was immediately put on an IV drip of magnesium.

I called my husband at four in the morning after being admitted, checked out, and apprised of my condition. We were both very scared. We made arrangements for someone to watch Coraline for the following day, and once we realized I would not be leaving any time soon, my parents decided to come into town to help. Cora was not allowed to visit me in the hospital ICU, so my husband and I would video chat so I could still see her. It was heartbreaking to not be with her, especially when she seemed to stir at the sound of my voice.

They ran magnesium through an IV for a day and a half, as well as gave me fluids and pain medicine to control my blood pressure. Because it is so uncommon to be diagnosed with preeclampsia after birth, the doctors were concerned I may still be experiencing a blot clot or what they called brain push, so an MRI was ordered first thing Monday morning. Being on steady supply of magnesium felt like I was swimming underwater. My head continued to ache, but not as bad as it once was. Thankfully, the MRI on Monday showed no evidence of a clot or other brain abnormalities.

There is no test for preeclampsia; you need to have all the symptoms to be diagnosed. In my case, stomach cramps, severe headaches, high blood pressure, and leaking protein in my urine led to my diagnosis. At this point, I had been in the ICU for four days. All the while, I missed Coraline terribly; after all, at only two and half weeks old, she needed to be with her Mommy. My focus was on leaving the ICU to be with her, and I begged my doctor to let me go. My blood pressure was still reading in the 160s, so they gave me a booster shot of blood pressure medicine to bring it down more. By late afternoon, I was down to the 130-140s, and the doctor returned to tell me that they were allowing me to leave, although I had to promise to come into the office in a few days and do nothing but take care of Cora in the meantime.

Since then, I continue to have a headache, although not nearly as severe, and I continue to work on controlling my blood pressure which has yet to return to normal. We borrowed a blood pressure cuff to monitor things at home. I take medicine every six hours and I've been put on bed rest for six weeks. In theory, the condition should go away by then without any more medical intervention. Once we are able to control my blood pressure, the headaches should be gone completely.  Every few days, I am back at the doctor to reassess how things are going, and every time they warn me I am not out of the danger zone yet, and that I am still at risk for a seizure or stroke. I have never in my life wanted so terribly to be well again.

Thankfully, my hubby has helped tremendously in taking care of everything in our house, as well as taking care of Cora so I can get rest and feel better. Just a few days ago, I woke up to the two of them sleeping on the couch together, and I had to snap a picture:

Despite all the health troubles recently, I am truly grateful to be in my own home with my hubby and baby girl. I am hopeful the worst is behind me, and thankfully to my family for all their help. I realize things could be a lot worse, so I thank my lucky stars that I am on the mend. All the doctors tell me I have the right attitude, but honestly, I see no other choice: I have my little family depending on me to get better!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

3 weeks old today

Coraline is 3 weeks old today, yay! She is steadily growing, and just earlier today we had to retire more clothes because they were too small for her, boo hoo! :-( Time continues to go so fast, and I do my best to suck in every minute!!!

Today we had a little photo shoot, and I wanted to share some of my favorites. How can you not love this little girl to bits and pieces?! :-)

Look at us in our Easter dress! A colleague at work knitted her this blanket. Isn't it beautiful?

Vintage ladybugs!

Fairy skirt


Pink hoodie

And this one I love the most--my two favorite people! :-)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Our first bath!

Our first bath was not met with enthusiasm by Coraline. She much prefers to be bundled up then naked, so we suspected that she wouldn't like being wet. And we were right; the poor thing was miserable the whole time--within fifteen minutes time, she had scratched herself in the face, and peed on Mommy!

But at least we are baby fresh now! :-)

 "I really don't like this, Mommy!"

"Oh, this is much better!" (Sabres hockey towel courtesy of the hospital)

"Haha, I just peed on you!"

Snuggles with Papa...much better!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Postpartum problems and St. Patty's Day project

Since I felt crummy during most of my pregnancy, I looked forward to post-pregnancy when I figured all my ailments would go away. While I wasn't silly enough to think I'd automatically shrink back to pre-pregnancy size, it never occurred to me that I would have postpartum issues. The only thing I knew about was postpartum depression, solely for the reason that I teach Charlotte Perkin Gilman's short story "The Yellow Wall-paper" every semester, a classic tale of how poorly doctors dealt with postpartum depression in the late 1800's.

As it turns out, a lot of women experience postpartum problems. While I have not been depressed thankfully, recently I began to not feel well.  First it was cramps, which I later learned are known as after cramps, then a pounding headache that never seems to go away. A trip to the doctor's confirmed that what I was feeling was not usual necessarily, but why I was feeling this way remained elusive. So while my doctor is on the case, for the time being Coraline and I have been taking it easy, couch napping and cuddling, hoping Mommy feels better soon.

I had decided shortly after Cora was born that the hubby and I should have a mini St. Patrick's Day party because it was the original date Coraline was slated to arrive. Our idea of a party is just the three of us in party hats eating green food, but honestly, that's just the way we like it around here. Of course, I didn't have anything St. Patrick's themed for Coraline to wear, so I decided to decorate a onesie during her daytime nap today because the hubby had suggested that a little crafting would distract me.

This was a quick project, just the way I like it! The original onesie, purchased by the hubby's sister, I believe, was a light lime green with a pink embroidered bee. I selected vintage scraps from my stash in rainbow colors and ironed fusible on the back:

I cut the rainbow and clouds by hand, and then used a scrap of black satin for the cauldron to cover the bee embroidery. I outlined the clouds with a running stitch in silver thread.

 My favorite part, though, has to be the hand sewn sequins for the pot of gold. I'll be sure to take pictures of the little one in it on Saturday! :-)

Monday, March 11, 2013

My growing little girl

Hopefully you're not sick of baby posts yet! ;-) Coraline Mae had her second official doctor's appointment today, weighing in 9 ounces heavier than her first appointment a week ago. This means we've surpassed her original birth weight, now coming in at 7 pounds and 4 ounces. Her doctor was beyond pleased with baby girl's growth!

Just a week ago, this outfit fit us like a glove (thanks Uncle John and Auntie Jen!), but now, sadly, today it doesn't fit us any more! :-(  Perhaps someday Coraline Mae will have a baby sister who can wear it? :-)
It's hard to believe how fast she is growing before my eyes! Today the hubby and I discussed how quickly time has gone by. Has it really been 9 days since Cora was born? Our schedule is dictated by breastfeeding and diaper changes, so we've had no real concept of time. With a little one in need of feeding and changing every 1-3 hours, it is hard to know the difference between night and day lately. And forget returning e-mails, text messages, or phone calls--sleeping in a three hour block is a luxury around here!

Oh well, the things you do to be someone's Mommy! I mean, how cute are we post-milk coma in our pink kitty cat suit?? :-) (Which thankfully still fits, phew!)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

1 Week Old!

Today is a big day for us: Coraline Mae is one week old! It's hard to believe that just one week ago at this time, little Miss Cora had opened her eyes to the world. Now our little baby girl is big enough to lovingly grasp her Daddy's fingers.

Today also marked Grandma leaving, which made all of us in the house very sad. It took all my might not to turn into a big sobbing mess, and yet it still took some comforting from the hubby to cheer me up after she left. Even though I'm 31-years-old and now a mother myself, you never stop needing your Mom. When Cora was required to stay in the hospital a day longer than expected, my Mom was the only one who could console my tears. When we did finally arrive home safe and sound, she was the ever doting Grandmother I have known her to be with my niece and nephew. She cuddled Coraline, cooing and kissing her, in addition to cooking, cleaning, shopping, and doing endless baskets of laundry. One early morning, when nothing I could do would comfort Coraline, it was Grandma who rocked her to sleep for hours. I don't know what I would do without her. We already miss Grandma tremendously! :-(

Some last minute Grandma cuddles:

Today we also had a visit from Coraline's uncle, aunt, and 3-year-old cousin. They kindly brought us flowers, lunch, and gifts for the baby girl, and spent lots of time oohing and ahhing over her. We also found out the exciting news that they are expecting another little one themselves come this October. This means 3 little cousins all born in 2013 for my hubby's family, yay babies! :-)

Cousin Mikayla loves her baby cousin! And, as you can see, Coraline was all ears during lunch:

Of course all that visiting pooped Daddy and Cora out. It's a tough life around here!!!

Being a Mommy has been better than I ever imagined. It is a huge, exhausting responsibility that I wouldn't trade for the world. Despite being up all hours and the endless feedings and diaper changes, I've never been happier--I feel incredibly lucky to have Coraline in my life.

How can you resist these kisses from the Easter bunny??

And kisses for Mommy too! :-)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

She's arrived!

I am happy to share that my daughter, Coraline Mae, was born on Saturday, March 2nd at 5:54PM. As you can imagine, we are over the moon!!! Now only five days old, I'm still developing my "Mommy legs," so for the time being I'll share some pictures for you to ooh and ahh over and post more soon! :-)

First picture of Mommy and daughter <3

Snuggling on our first night together

Proud papa!

Eyes open to greet the world

Dressed and ready to go!

First car ride home